Golden Keepers

Capture Your Community History

Everyone knows an elder in their life, but what about their stories?

Through Golden Keepers, community members from all walks of life join in creating journals that capture the beauty of their unique family stories. History comes alive through these personal narratives. Golden Keepers partners with libraries and community organizations to offer free, accessible, and engaging workshops.

Join Kate Quach, award-winning youth writer, as she shares her collections of poetry that capture the history of the people from the senior home. Engage in a workshop for all ages to capture family narratives, learn about the power of youth volunteerism, and embark on the journey of being a changemaker in history, literature, and art.

My 7+ Year Journey of Volunteering at the Senior Home

My elderly friends and their stories inspired my books and Golden Keepers.

Share the adventures in your journal !

Located Beyond SF Bay Area? Let’s Get Started in Your Community!

Interested in partnering to host a workshop or learn more about Golden Keepers? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. If your library is located beyond San Francisco Bay Area, please provide your contact info so we can share a free handbook on how to bring Golden Keepers to your library’s youth. We can’t wait to hear from you!